Classical Feng Shui

Customer Testimonial

My motto and mantra…Enhance your environment, enhance your life!
Do you feel stuck in some area of your life and feeling unfulfilled?
Are you ready to bust out and be the you that YOU are meant to be?
Do you have constant relationship issues?
Are you ready to invite in a loving relationship?
Do you have the same reoccurring money struggles?
Are you ready to be more prosperous?
Do you have health issues that go away with treatments only to return when the treatments stop?
Are you ready to eliminate health issues?
Now I know you are probably thinking, what do all these things have to do with Feng Shui?
My answer…Everything!

What Feng Shui can do…
- Improves your health
- Creates wealth and prosperity
- Helps attract a loving relationship, marriage
- Increases your motivation
- Creates more harmonious family/work relationships
- Enhances your creativity
- Eliminates depression
- Promotes better sleep
- Brings more helpful people and community into your life
- Brings travel opportunities into your life

What Feng Shui is NOT…
- A religion
- A Form of Psychology
- A Form of Interior Decorating
- Magic
- A “cure-all”
- Just Intuition
- A fad (since it’s been around for more than 4000 years!)
The spaces in which we spend the most time are our sacred spaces. The office a place of productivity and our homes a space of refuge and recovery. Or, nowadays for a lot of us, our home is our office! If we don’t feel good in these environments, then we don’t feel good physically and emotionally. As a result, we are not performing at our best nor living life to our full potential.
Do you ever walk into a room, and it just doesn’t feel good? It might feel “icky” and you just can’t relax or feel productive?
Maybe you feel bogged down and tired all the time? Did you know that being in an environment of clutter can make you feel heavy and tired, even depressed? Really, it does!
We all want to feel good in our space, right? Believe it or not, most people don’t feel good; they “just deal with their surroundings.”
Feng Shui is NOT home decorating! Yes, we use furniture placement and design BUT it is all about harmonizing the energy (Chi) to support you in the best possible way!
Feng Shui is a 5,000-year-old technology that works with the energy of your sacred space. Based on the science of Chinese medicine, it is the equivalent of acupuncture for your home. In acupuncture, we use meridians (energy lines) to harmonize the energy systems in your body. In Feng Shui, we use what is called a “Gua.” Each gua represents an aspect of your life AND physical parts of your body. With the power of Feng Shui, we create harmony in each gua and enhance it to support you in the best possible way!
Everything, even your sacred space, is made up of energy. All energy can be influenced to support you or not. Next time you walk into your home or office, I invite you to pause, check in with your body, and see how you feel. If it is not great, I am here for you.
When we operate in what I call high vibes, we can receive good things. Not only that, but high vibe things are also what we attract! Relationships, money, health…yes, we attract goodness in all these areas when we honor them!
How do we honor these aspects of our lives, THROUGH OUR SACRED SPACE!
The comment I get most often is, “I read a book on Feng Shui once, and what they wanted me to do is just unrealistic”!
Or “I can’t, or I won’t…”
The most common misconception of Feng Shui is that it is very rigid when in fact, it is quite versatile. Yes, we do have recommendations AND there is always more than one solution to every situation. No one (especially me) will “make you” do anything you do not want to do.
The other misconception is that it is just “proper furniture placement.” While this is an important factor in our operations, it is just a small piece of the puzzle. The power is in the energy and how it flows, and this stems from more than just furniture arrangement.
A home or office with good Feng Shui is in harmony, you feel like you can take on the world and rest peacefully all at the same time! Sounds foreign, right? I promise it is true…It raises the vibes by balancing the energy, think of the yin/yang concept and its representation of the perfect balance. There is a reason you see this symbol everywhere, it has power!
The space around you is an outward reflection of what is happening inside of you. If your environment is chaotic, ask yourself, do you feel like your life is chaotic? I am certain the answer is yes!
On the flip side, our environment also acts as a 3D vision board, when you look around your space, what are you projecting that you want? Are you living in old patterns or projecting toward a new and prosperous future?
People often ask me what the differences are between mainstream Feng Shui and Classical Feng Shui. The best analogy I have come up with thus far is that mainstream Feng Shui would be equivalent to reading our horoscope from the app on your phone (same general message for the masses) and Classical is equivalent to having your chart done by and astrologer (very specific to your home and you!)
Both are great, Classical is more intricate and POWERFUL than the general mainstream that is more commonly practiced.
With this consultation, you will receive a full report on my findings and suggestions (approximately 30 pages). Once I have completed your report, I will come to you (if local) or, we consult over zoom (when global). Together we go through your home report step by step and talk about the suggestions that can have profound impact to improve your life and help you thrive!
In addition to our initial meeting, we will have two more 30-minute follow-up calls at 1 month and 3 months’ time to see how you are settling into your new energies and to see if any other adjustments might be suggested.
I am honored to work with those whom I have guided. I have seen great changes come to those who utilize this powerful form of energy shift and empowerment!
What are you waiting for?
Your Exclusive Feng Shui Investments
$1100 (up to 4000 sq. ft) and will include:
- 3 months of support
- 1 hour pre-report call
- 40 page report with recommended remedies
- 2-3 hours in-home consultation or Zoom if not local to go over report
- 2 follow-up phone calls (1 month & 3 months)
Report will include:
- House type – does it support your money and relationships?
- Remedy recommendations – to ensure that it does support you.
- Enhancement recommendations – to put even more power behind the energy
- Personal trigrams for each person living in the home – to find the best areas of the house, sleeping and eating directions to best support each person in the home.
$1350 (up to 4000 sq. ft) with additional landscape report for the property:
- 3 months of support
- 1 hour pre-report call
- 40 page report with recommended remedies
- 2-3 hours in-home consultation or Zoom if not local to go over report
- 2 follow-up phone calls (1 month & 3 months)
Report will include:
- House type – does it support your money and relationships?
- Remedy recommendations – to ensure that it does support you.
- Enhancement recommendations – to put even more power behind the energy
- Personal trigrams for each person living in the home – to find the best areas of the house, sleeping and eating directions to best support each person in the home.
- Recommendations for the landscape and property
- Prices are subject to change if more time is needed or square footage is more than 4000 sq. ft.
- A $150 non-refundable deposit will be due at the time of appointment scheduling
and the package will be billed in full on day of the scheduled appointment. - Annual Report: $250
- It is essential to update a Feng Shui report each year for you and your home to thrive. The Feng Shui flying stars chart changes annually during the Chinese New Year in February, and the energy in our homes changes with it. Therefore, the remedies must also change accordingly; if past remedies are left in place, they become ineffective.
- The Feng Shui New Year starts on February 4th; I suggest you plan accordingly and order early, as everyone’s reports are due in February, and we want you to have yours delivered in time. Implementing the remedies before or on February 3rd, the 5th at the latest for an energetically optimized home is best.
- Add on Space Clearing/House Blessing for an additional $250
If we seem to be a good match for working together we will set up a complementary clarity to call to explore which program is the right fit for you and to get you on the waiting list for the next Feng Shui opening.