Customized Corporate Programs
Offered in the way of Feng Shui & Life Coaching
Why Feng Shui your offices? Simple ~ Profits!
Why provide coaching for you and your team? Simple ~ Profits!

Why feng shui?
Feng means wind and Shui means water.
The Chinese believed that good wind and good water make a good harvest.
Who doesn’t want that in business?
Some of life’s exceptional Entrepreneurs like Bill Gates and Richard Branson, and music artists such as the Rolling Stones and Madonna as well as companies like Coca-Cola, Nike, Dreamworks and Intel have all used feng shui in their office spaces for greater productivity, happiness, and success.
What’s happiness got to do with success and profits?
In our profit driven society, the focus on the end game has become stressful and unhealthy. When humans are stressed, we are less productive, often make mistakes and over time start to miss work due to illness and discord. A stressful environment is all encompassing and honestly a health risk to our mental and physical wellness. Ultimately, we do not operate at our best.
Somehow, we have lost the joy of working. Yes, I said it JOY!
Bottom line; We thrive when we feel happy, we are more productive when we feel good, when we feel relaxed we are more focused and we feel all these feels when we feel safe and good in our spaces.
How do we make your people and operations more productive? The answer, with our environment.
The art and science of Feng Shui dates back 5000 years! Notice I used the word Science? Feng Shui works with the energy of our space, the metaphysical energetics. Quantum physics has proven to us that we are all connected energetically.
One of my favorite quotes from Albert Einstein…
A human being is part of a whole called by us “Universe.”
When our own “personal Universe” i.e., “our environment” is in disarray, we are in disarray.
I am Certified in Classical Feng Shui through The International School of Feng Shui. In this 400-hour master certification course I too had to Feng Shui my spaces. WOW, did I have BIG shifts in my own life & business! This a very powerful and precise form of FS that is specific to your building. While many of the mainstream messages about feng shui center around furniture placement and positioning, that is not all there is to it. In simple terms Classical Feng shui is equivalent to having an astrologer do your chart vs reading your horoscope in on your phone. It specific to you, your space and your business.
Feng shui is important to your office because it improves the flow of energy, which increases productivity and lowers stress levels. It not only allows you to feel creative and open, improving your wellbeing and even the quality of your work, it enhances it!
Want to know more specifics about feng shui?
Why coaching?
Great question…
One of my favorite quotes of all times…
The only constant in life is change.
This is especially true in business. If you are not changing, you are not growing. And with growth comes growing “pains”. Although I have never been in favor of low vibrational words such as “pain”. In my world all experiences have value. We stress, we learn, we overcome, we grow.
My goal as a coach is helping you to remove the “stress factor”. Things happen, it is a fact of life and business. They are not good or bad. They just are. It is our thoughts around them that make them good or bad. When we reframe how life comes at us we start to see challenges as opportunities and we start to become comfortable in the discomforts of change.
How do we do that? Another favorite quote….When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change…Dr. Wayne Dyer.
As a woman in business for over 30 years, my business certainly took quite a few left turns. Some of the things I envisioned did not come to fruition. Some did and they were not what I thought they would be. I certainly ebbed and flowed in my professional career as all successful business do. Where we get stuck is when we are in deep in the middle of a mountain and don’t know where or how to start to dig ourselves out, it just seems too big. Or, we are not clear on what shifts need to be made for optimal profitable growth. For my conundrum around this, I hired a coach. Yes, all successful coaches have coaches!
As your coach, this is how I help. Together we dig deep to retrieve YOUR answers. Most people think they know the answers. Yes, they are within us! However, we usually see them on the superficial level and slap Band-Aids on when what we really need for transformational change is to “move the mountain”.
To make deep transformation change we need to get to the root of the challenge. This is where I come in. Asking powerful questions to assist you in finding the deep-rooted answers that will create the path to continued success through the ebbs and flows in the life of your business. Together, we move that mountain one rock at a time.
Who gets the coaching?
Let’s start at the top! As the owner or operating manager, it all starts at the top and trickles down to the masses. If the leader of the pack is not clear in thought and communications this can cause confusion, inconsistencies and ultimately a decline in productivity and profits.
Middle of the road…Managers and Team leads. It is critical that management is on the same page as the leader AND that communications are relayed consistently. Depending on the size of the company this coaching can be done individually or group coaching; Both have extraordinary value. Every human being communicates differently. As a business, in taking the extra time to learn how to effectively communicate, work through our own personal filters and blocks will only empower and lift others. And who best to lift than the front-line employees. When the Team leads are all leading in consistency, there is no confusion and productivity increases.
Front line…This form of coaching is usually done on the form of team building events. Whether through fun interactive presentations or group coaching, as we articulate down the message. From the top, through middle management to the front line, everyone knows what is expected, they can focus their attentions on what is most important and again productivity soars!