Feng Shui Group Classes
Feng Shui Basics
In Classical Feng Shui we use the 5 Element theory to support us in our home, offices, ect. In this workshop we will cover the 5 Elements and how we can represent them with the element itself and other representations. We will also be discussing recommended furniture placement and general feng shui tips.
Each element has:
- Color – good to know if you want to paint colors, artwork and furniture
- Shape – great info and a fun way to implement fun furniture and decor
- Materials – the elements themselves and ways to bring them into your home
- We will also be discussing general furniture placement
- And general ideas like what to do when your stairs chi shoots straight out your front door!
Join us for this 90 minute workshop to learn how you can implement these 5 powerful elements into your home and your life. Upon completion, you will be empowered with simple, doable golden nugget techniques & handouts so you won’t forget what we discussed.
$50 per person
Date TBA – book a call to get on the list to know when the next class is scheduled to happen!

Feng Shui to Increase your Wealth
Did you know that the ancient art of Feng Shui can increase your wealth?
If you know anything about Feng Shui, there is a lot of talk about how Feng Shui works with the energy of our space and our lives.
But guess what, money is energy too! The energy of our physical space affects our flow and energy of money. It is that simple.
In this fun and interactive gathering we are going to explore some of the Feng Shui principles for attracting wealth. Such as:
- how to receive it (yes some people actually do resist making money!)
- why we may have blocks around money
- and how to honor it
We will explore some valuable ancient traditions and rituals in Feng Shui that will increase our wealth and abundance, as well as learn how to make a wealth alter and a wealth vase.
This 2-hour gathering will leave you feeling empowered and ready to receive…starting with receiving an empowerment gift from me!
$50 per person
Date TBA – book a call to get on the list to know when the next class is scheduled to happen!

Clearing The Clutter to Find Your Bliss
Did you know that clutter not only affects your BLISS it affects your mental & physical health too…that in turn affects your BLISS even more! Vicious circle, right?
In this class, we will be discussing:
- the positive effects of releasing “stuff”
- why it is so hard to do
- simple yet powerful techniques to get you started
- the 3 most important places to start
- other places other than the home where clutter affects us
Often the root of what has been holding us back is not only reflected in our homes, but our home environment can also be the cause of what is holding us back! There is that vicious circle again…We all want our environment to support us not hinder us. Who wouldn’t want that?!
Living and working in clutter has a BIG impact on the energy you have, how you focus and how you feel in your own skin. This impacts your quality of life, your work, and your BLISS!
So, if you are ready to release, receive and BLISS out, I am here for you!
$50 per person
Date TBA – book a call to get on the list to know when the next class is scheduled to happen!