Want to know more about Robin’s spiritual journey?

For as long (or as young) as I can remember, I had always had this sense of uncomfortableness about me. Like I did not belong, wasn’t good enough, was different than everyone else. Well, as it turns out, I was different AND the same! So how can this be? 

I wanted so badly to “be” like everyone else, yet what was different about me was my superpower, and I was suppressing my true sovereign self. What was the same is that, as it turns out, most people experience growing up this way. We all want to feel like we fit in, and our interpretation is that we should be the same as everyone else. So again, we are the same in that we all feel different. And then, we suppress who we truly are, trying to be like our peers. Then we feel awkward and less like we fit in because we are not being ourselves…Mind-boggling, right? 

Another thing that most people are affected by is being empathetic. Everyone on the planet (except sociopaths) is an empath on some level. Some are highly sensitive, and some are not so sensitive.  

I am a highly sensitive empath, meaning I often feel and absorb other people’s feelings, emotions, and “stuff.” As a child, teen, and young adult, I had no idea how much this affected me, and I numbed all of these overwhelming feelings with alcohol.

In 2007, my sobriety journey and, thus, my spiritual journey started. I got sober with the help of Alcoholics Anonymous, which happens to be a spiritual program. About five years into sobriety, I started exploring other “spiritual in nature” programs and modalities. And by the way, I am still an active and grateful member of AA today!

I have multiple certifications in several modalities that I have explored since starting my journey, and I have incorporated my life’s journey into my life’s work. 

Remember that special thing that made me feel different, yet IS my superpower?  It turns out that I am intuitive and gifted in energy healing. My paths have led me to the work I do today as what some people call light workers. 

As I mentioned earlier, my spiritual journey started with my sobriety. When I was younger, I believed in God. But God was this overpowering being in the sky that could make things happen, a Santa Claus God. When I started living in spirituality, I realized that for me, God, or my Higher Power is a universal consciousness of pure love. He/She is everywhere. Some people refer to this as the quantum field. Energetically, the quantum field connects everything in the universe. 

Once I was introduced to this concept, my whole life changed! I now have a relationship with my higher power/divinity within me and the universe and co-create my life in what I call Divine Flow. 

As mentioned, I have explored many modalities of energy healing and connection in the quantum field. While exploring the many avenues of light work, I still felt very uncomfortable standing in my truth. It got a little easier as time went on. Still, I did not truly step into my authentic self until I started working with Arch Angels and studying the Celtic wheel through a divine feminine awakening program that one of my mentors was offering.

This year-long course involved studying and moving through the Celtic wheel, which connected me to my higher self, inner child, earth’s power, and my sovereignty.

At the end of the year-long course, I took a spiritual pilgrimage to Ireland. The picture below shows me at the top of a spiritual place called Loughcrew, Cairns, Ireland. This stone circle is thousands of years old and is one of my rebirth places as I genuinely started moving into my sovereign self.

My next pilgrimage took me to Borrego Springs, California, with my Geomancy group. This trip was very powerful from a physical and spiritual point of view. Up to that point, the past 30 years, I plowed through life, ignoring the signs and signals my body had been giving me.  I had gotten myself into a state of chronic back pain that debilitated me to the point where I could not even walk around the block in my neighborhood. The physical healing started with the divine woman program because I knew when I went to Ireland that there would be a lot of walking involved. I started taking care of myself physically and spiritually within that program.

I knew that Borrego Springs was going to be a whole different story. We hiked to the top of the wind caves. It was quite a hike, and I started working with a personal trainer to strengthen my core and balance. The physical and mental body and the conditioning I did gave me an incredibly profound experience that changed my life and led me to my next chapter, Greece!   

The pilgrimage to Greece was also physically challenging and profoundly spiritual! One of the most incredible days that I had was at Delphi. Delphi is a spiritual, sacred site, and it is also quite treacherous with its ancient stones that are uneven and unstable, and there are lots of them! It wasn’t until I reached the top at Delphi that I realized how far I had come physically. I sat on a bench and cried as I looked over the vast Vista to the Aegean Sea! 

The Acropolis was also not an easy feat and something I will never forget!!!

After my trip to Greece, I was incredibly inspired! My mentor had scheduled the next spiritual retreat in Ireland again. She shared that we would be going to Skellig Michael. Skellig Michael is an island off the coast of Ireland. It is not easy to get to; most times, you can’t. They often cancel tours because of treacherous water crossings. Once you get to the island, it is a 600-step climb. Again, ancient, unstable, uneven stones with no handrails and sheer cliff drop down on any given side at any time. Once again, as I reached the top, I sobbed.

Some people ask me, “What do you do on these spiritual trips?” In short, going to these sacred sites with other gifted and powerful lightworkers allows me to connect with the land, ancestors, Ascended Masters, and my whole spirit team on a much deeper level than I do in my regular daily practices at home. As I go deeper into myself on each one of these adventures, the more expansive my consciousness becomes. 

Words cannot express how grateful I am today. I live my life joyous, happy, and free.

Stay tuned; who knows what my next adventures will be!