Invest In Yourself
Walk with me, I will show you the way

People often ask me, what does a life coach do?
My goal as a coach is to assist you in honoring and empowering yourself. Simply put, I help you find YOUR bliss!
But what exactly does that mean anyways?
Sometimes that means getting through a difficult situation or stage of life that might be overwhelming and you need help to prioritize, to be thoughtful and accountable for moving through it without letting it consume and paralyze you. This would be “Situational Life Coaching” and highly effective to help you get through a difficult time feeling empowered and productive!
Then there is “Transformational Life Coaching” Let’s take a look at that…
I usually have two types of clients that come to me for transformational coaching, ones that are living a life that they know is dysfunctional and they want to break generational patterns, and others on the verge of a spiritual awakening but are stuck between the 3D world we live in and all its “problems” and “higher consciousness thinking” where we find our BLISS.
Let’s look at the two scenarios…
The Spiritual Awakening:
We all grow up learning from our ancestors and family in the ways of our religion or spirituality. Yes, there is a difference. A lot of people come to me because they are not jiving any longer with the religion in which they were raised, and it is causing inner turmoil and confusion.
I would like to note that I am NOT against religion. It has great value for many people! I consider myself a SPIRITUAL person and this is what I teach.
What is the difference?
It is my experience and belief that religion is a construct of man based in spirituality. There are often rules and guidelines of how you should think and live. Some people need these guidelines, and they have great value to them. Sometimes people start to get curious outside the guidelines they grew up with…this is where I come in.
As spiritual Beings – we connect directly to OUR OWN God, Goddess, Higher Power, Buddha, Spirit Guides…whatever you subscribe to as your guiding light. We go inward to look at life’s processes, how they affect us and the way we interact in the world.
Often when my clients first come to me, they deem themselves to be very spiritual loving people.
However, they suffer from what I call the “Human Condition” which includes but not limited to:
- Living in fear of what is happening in our world and feeling out of control.
- If everyone would just do what I say everything would be ok.
- Angry, frustrated or stressed most of the time.
- Why don’t they see my point of view?
- I don’t feel like I am being heard.
- Never feeling good enough.
One of my favorite sayings…
- ”Love has no conditions” ~ Mary Magdalen
Isn’t this a beautiful quote? So simple yet so true!
This is how I live now! I can honestly say after 50 years of living in the “Human Condition” listed above, I have let all that go, and now live-in Love, Faith and BLISS and it is so FREEING!
This is what I share with you. It is possible to live a peaceful existence in a chaotic world where you do not have control of people, places, and things.
Work with me and I will help you to forge and follow YOUR path to BLISS!
How? I will ask you the powerful questions that dig into your souls calling. It is that simple. Deep exploration like this requires guidance and can be emotional. I say, bring it on! Emotions are meant to be felt and processed. Unprocessed “stuff” is almost always the culprit that holds us back from our dream life.
I will guide you. In a safe, sacred environment we will explore. We will unleash that which holds you back and you will transform your life to the BLISS you are meant to live!
One last thought, no need to be scared! Some people are afraid to look inward. In the words and voice of Elmer Fudd they think it will “Verwy Scarewy” I assure you; it doesn’t have to be. Part of what we do in coaching is reframe the way we look at the world. It is the “Human Condition” that makes is hard and scary for us. In our coaching sessions the human condition will start to dissipate. You will start living free in Love, Faith and BLISS!
Work with me and I will show you the way.
Breaking The Cycle of Generational Patterns & Dysfunction:
Do you often tell yourself “That’s just the way it has always been” but KNOW that you want to do it differently?
This is a generational pattern statement, and quite honestly one of the blocks that holds you back. What you are living is no longer aligning with your core values and your soul yearns to change but you are not quite sure how to make it happen. Or, you have started the process but are still learning to navigate the HOW.
Often the “cycle breakers” as I call them, FEEL it in their souls and KNOW
that they are ready to break the cycle that has been ingrained in them for as far back as they can remember, they just need help standing and STAYING in their own truth as the world around them keeps trying to pull them back “into the crab bucket” as one of my clients says.
Often you will feel strong in your values and truth when you are doing your daily practices and living in your own bubble, just to be sucked back into old ways of thinking that make you doubt your decisions and what you are doing when you are exposed to your triggers.
As your coach I will help you find YOUR truth, stand in it,
and give you tools to help you solidify the changes you are implementing in your life. For example…
My client whom I’ll call Jennie, was divorcing her narcissistic controlling husband. Jennie herself was the income producer in the family. She had a lot of financial fear that he would “take everything” and his voice kept popping into her head as he attempted to manipulate her.
Jennie would make decisions with her attorney and then question herself 24 hours later. She knew she was on the right path to leave and trusted her attorney but also experienced a lot of overwhelming fear and self-doubt.
One of my favorite sayings is: As human beings, we can be slow learners and quick forgetters. Our regular coaching kept her on track with her goals, empowered her to stand in her truth and communicate effectively to not allow him to control her any longer.
I am happy to report, Jennie is extraordinarily happy and grateful every day for her new life and repeatedly tells me how much the coaching helped her through the long year and a half!
Exiting relationships is just one example in this “crab bucket” analogy.
There are also dysfunctional family situations, learning how to live and communicate differently in sobriety and another popular and favorite of mine is empowering women working in “Good Ol’ Boy Companies” and being treated differently.
As your coach, together we will use tools and techniques to facilitate changing the way you think and reframe the way you see things. When you see things through a different lens your perspective shifts, and everything around you starts to shift too…for your highest and best!
Living and feeling safe in YOUR truth does not have to be hard. By examining old beliefs, behaviors, and habits we develop new tools and goals to create the life you desire with Grace & Ease. We all have the answers within us, sometimes we just need a little help finding our way to living our Authentic Self.
In essence, Living Your Bliss!
It is time for you to start loving yourself and your life!
6 Month – Private Coaching Investment:
- 1-90 Minute Discovery Session
- 11 – 60 Minute sessions (two times per month)
- Customized Homework
- Email Support
*Bonus – Access to the Passion Purpose & Prosperity Program
($444 value) Learn more here
$3,111 One time payment
$544/month for 6 months
Must be completed within 7 months
3 Month – Private Coaching Investment:
- 6 – 60 Minute sessions (two times per month)
- Customized Homework
- Email Support
$1,555 One time payment
$544/month for 3 months
Must be completed within 4 months
FOCUS Power Hour Month:
Are you searching for clarity and direction on a particular issue? This package is designed for someone who is motivated yet needs a little help moving through a block or strategizing a plan to move forward. These Power sessions help to clear away the mental clutter, to make a plan so you can work a plan. This package gives you the support, to unpack the mental clutter that stops you from taking action.
- 4 – 60 Minute Sessions (one time per week)
- Email support
$999 one time payment
Must be completed within 6 weeks
If we seem to be a good match for working together we will set up a complementary clarity to call to explore which program is the right fit for you and to get you on the waiting list for the next coaching opening.