Feng Shui FAQs
What does Feng Shui Mean?
Feng means Wind and Shui means water: In Chinese culture, gentle wind and clear water have always been associated with good harvest and good health. Thus, good feng shui came to mean good livelihood and fortune.
What does Feng Shui do?
Feng Shui balances the energy in our homes and workspace by creating a balance and smoother flow of energy that supports us.
How does Feng Shui work?
Classical Feng Shui (which is what I do) is very precise. We work with the year your home was built and the exact compass direction of the home. From this information we create the astrological chart called the flying stars. This chart is extremely specific to you and your home/office. In essence, it is the energetic blueprint of your space.
Once we have this powerful information, that is when the fun starts! We will then place what is called the Bagua Map over the floor plan of your home. With this precise information we balance the elements in each “gua” creating the ever-popular yin/yang effect in every space of the home using the 5 elements theory.
I have always heard it is unrealistic, – why is that?
The most common misconception of Feng Shui is that it is very rigid when in fact, it is quite versatile. Sometimes people read something in a book and think it is the only way. Yes, we do have recommendations AND there is always more than one solution to every situation. No one (especially me) will “make you” do anything you do not want to do. We can always find a way that suite your needs and resonate with you and your space.
What is Chi?
Simply put, Chi is energy.
There can be good Chi and bad chi. Chi and it is in a perpetually moving. We are influenced everyday by the Chi around us, whether it is good or bad! In Feng Shui we work to optimize and enhance the good Chi optimizing our environment to support and enhance our lives for the better.
What is Yin/Yang?
The principles of Yin/Yang involve dependent opposites that must always be in balance.
The Chinese view opposites as always evolving and cycling. (Remember how chi always moves) They believe that there is neither right nor wrong. There is balance, transformation, interaction, and dependent opposition. We need energy from both poles to maintain balance.
If you think of it from a human body perspective, in order to have a strong core we need to work on our abs AND or back muscles. If we only focus on one front OR back, we create an imbalance, and this causes us pain and despair. Energy (Chi) is the same. It needs balance to be optimal.
What if my husband doesn’t believe? Will it still work?
It is optimal if all parties in the house are “on board” from the get-go…Honestly that doesn’t always happen. It certainly did not happen in my house. When I first started with Feng Shui my family (there are 5 of us) just rolled their eyes as in “mom is doing one of her things again” But I did not let that stop me! I just did what I could do in my spaces. Eventually, the family started hanging out more in “my space” slowly, the hubs started making little changes to his stuff and my teenager started cleaning and organizing her own room regularly without my prompts! Eventually whether they know it or not the other family members start feeling the shifts.
What if someone moves something?
It is ok! Life is always in movement. We find what works and resonates with us, all of us that live together. If something in the report was recommended and you are someone in the house doesn’t resonate with it, we can always find another way. This is what the 1 and 3 month follow up calls are for.
What if I live in a rental? Can I still do things?
Absolutely! We can always Feng Shui any space.