REIKI - In-Person or Distance

REIKI - In-Person or Distance
30 Minutes In-Person or Distance $75
60 Minutes In-Person or Distance $125
Reiki is a healing modality that already exists within each of us. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words – Rei which means “Universal”, and Ki which is “life force energy”. When we allow this beautiful, pure life force energy to flow through us, our bodies are able to participate in the healing process. Reiki assists our bodies in reducing stress which allows healing on many levels.
Our bodies are amazing vessels of energy. The physical body has inner energy centers known as chakras and an outer energy field, known as the aura. When these are out of balance, we are more likely to experience “dis-ease”…in one form or another. Reiki is helpful for whole body wellness…Body, Mind and Spirit! A Reiki practitioner acts as a conduit for the flow of this energy. Our body is the “pilot” of the energy flow and helps direct the path of the healing energy to the areas in the body that need healing. Reiki heals by flowing through the affected parts of the energy field and charging them with positive energy.
Common Benefits of Reiki:
- Restores balance to mind, body, and spirit
- Boosts Immunity
- Accelerates healing from injuries and surgeries
- Reduces emotional and physical pain
- Diminishes muscular tension
- Assists with life transitions and changes
- Releases limiting beliefs and habits
- Clears unhealthy attachments and releases trauma
- Strengthens self-love and promotes Universal compassion/love
- Increases sleep, relaxation, mental clarity, and productivity
- Enhances communication
- Helps one discover their purpose and life path
- Restores health from physical illness and disease (autoimmune diseases, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, colds, flu, sinus infections, migraines, digestive issues, chronic fatigue, skin irritations, allergies, and more!
A typical in-person session takes place in a quiet, private setting. The client remains fully clothed as they relax comfortably on a padded table.
For a Distance Reiki session, you can treat this time like a meditation. Create a peaceful environment and make the space you are in quiet and comfortable. Bring your attention to your breath and relax.
Robin’s Reiki Certifications Include:
- Reiki I
- Reiki II
- Reiki III / ART Master
- Usui/Holy Fire ®III
- Usui/Holy Fire ®III Online upgrade
- Karuna® Reiki Master